Our Success Stories

Springs for Planter Row Units

Case Study: Zinc-Plated Spring for Planter Row Unit Market: Planter Row Unit, Agriculture Equipment Success Story: An agricultural planter manufacturer was launching a new row unit product line and wanted to ensure that the springs they used would match the durability of the new product they have dedicated so much of their time to.  The need…

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Custom Heavy Duty Spring for Trolley

Case Study: Custom heavy-duty spring for Minnesota trolley to hold parts Market: Trolleys  Success Story: The Minnesota Trolley Museum, which provides rides for special events, was shut down during its peak season due to a track switch spring failure.   The head mechanic and maintenance engineer found that the switch spring was no longer available from the manufacturer…

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Springs for Ice Resurfacers

Case Study: Custom Spring design and manufacturing to lift the dump tank in a ice resurfacing equipment Market:  Ice resurfacers Success Story: Our custom extension spring was designed to support the dump tank ability to rise and lower within the ice resurfacing machine. You always see the Ice Resurfacer laying down water, but where does…

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Springs for Truck Back Door

Case Study: Designed a durable spring with extended life cycle to cut down truck downtime Market:  Trucking  Success Story: This trucking customer is contracted with a large delivery service that requires them to have zero downtime with their trucking.  One of the common causes for downtime for many delivery trucks is from the repetitive and…

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Springs for Dock Levelers

Case Study: Custom Spring Design for height-adjustable dock leveler platforms Market:  Loading Docks and Dock Levelers Success Story: IDC Spring produces springs to assist with the height-adjustable platforms that bridges the transition between the truck and the dock of a manufacturer/distribution center to help level the transition and eliminate fork lift accidents.

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